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Do Microgreens Regrow After Cutting?

Do Microgreens Regrow After Cutting?

Since more and more people are growing microgreens, many questions start to pop up in the people’s head. And one very common is, if the microgreens regrow after cutting? I totally understand that we all would like to have several batches from one sowing, but let me go more in detail further in the content.

Some of the microgreens do regrow after cutting. One of the leading varieties is pea. But make sure to cut them above the first shoot. It has been seen that even if they regrow they will not grow with the same rate, and there is also a difference observed in their flavor and taste. 

This topic is really important and we really would like to provide you with everything that we have discovered. That is why we encourage you to read forward, because we have more to share.

Do Microgreens Regrow After Cutting?

Cutting microgreens.

Factors Affecting Regrowth

Following factors play an important role in the regrowth of microgreens.

  1. Photosynthesis

The good regrowth of the microgreen is highly dependent on the proper photosynthesis. It is recommended not to cut the lowest leaf so that it will do photosynthesis and helps microgreen in regrowing.

That is why harvesting of all the leaves is not a good idea if you’re planning to regrow microgreen. In some cases, the stem may show full growth while in some, it might not grow. So be sure you have given your microgreen the right conditions for photosynthesis if you want them to regrow

2. Cell regeneration

It is a good idea to leave the lowest leaf on microgreens while cutting them as it helps in photosynthesis. Since the lower leaf is present in the area of cell regeneration which is essential for it so it raises the plant’s chances for survival.

3. Cut healing and defense

Regeneration of cells is also very important for the alleviation of microgreen. God has created a plant with the build-in mechanism of healing just like us, when they suffer injury, they produce a tissue that helps in defending infection.

It is very difficult for a microgreen to defend itself. It is a known fact young plants are more prone to infections.

4. Fungus

The fungus can penetrate in microgreens even if they are in good health, and this risk of penetration increases when they have an injury. Injured tissue makes an ideal site for the fungus or other diseases to attack them. Do not water your microgreen too much as fungus loves growing in wet environments. Make sure to completely steril the growth medium or place for cultivation when you’re regrowing them.

The regrowth of microgreen can be done for experimentation, but it is not feasible for saving money if it is a goal it requires more labor. If farmers want to regrow them, 70% of the stem will regrow, but they are stunted, more prone to fungus and have less nutrient content. Commercially, it is not recommended as it is a waste of time.

Do Microgreens Regrow After Cutting?

Pea microgreens.

How to Regrow Microgreens?

If you decide to go with regrowing, one way of regrowing good quality microgreens is by leaving the lowest and healthy part of the stem while harvesting. In this condition, the plant will continue its photosynthesis and can show good regrowth. Ć

Don’t forget to water microgreens on a daily basis, otherwise it won’t grow. If you will see some mold coming on soil or plants, you should increase air circulation around the microgreens. Or if you have them on the windowsill, just open your window in half and it should help.

If these two steps still don’t help, and the mold keeps growing, then I would recommend you toss them out and start with a new batch of microgreens. If you will use the same container, don’t forget to clean and disinfect it really well, so that there won’t be any trace of fungus. Or use blank new container instead.

Do Microgreens Regrow After Cutting?

Cut above the cotyledon.

List of microgreens that regrow

Even though there are lower opportunities to regrow microgreens, all in all, there are a few sorts that are bound to succeed. Pea assortment microgreens:

  • green peas,
  • snow peas,
  • spotted peas,
  • speckled peas,
  • leafy peas and even
  • fava beans,  have higher possibility of regrowth after cutting. There is no damage if you need to attempt it. The main drawback is that you might not have as much development as you did in the primary reap, and it might take more time for them to develop back also.

To expand your odds of regrowth in the wake of cutting, ensure that your microgreens as of late collected had solid and sound root structures to guarantee that your microgreens will, in any event, have a decent beginning stage.

A while later, you should ensure that the roots are gently saturated and get bunches of roundabout daylight to consider the cycles of photosynthesis and cell recovery to happen. This progression is pivotal to expanding the odds of regrowth and the pace of plant endurance.

For the following, not many days, you should ceaselessly check to ensure the roots and soil stay dampened and get warm and daylight. If these means are performed accurately, you should begin to see that the leaves are coming through and on the off chance that they are solid or not. It’s likewise feasible for regrowth if a solid leaf remains; the cycle would, in any case, be the equivalent.

Do Microgreens Regrow After Cutting?

Delicious microgreens, ready to eat.

Is regrowing microgreens economical?

Commercially it is not recommended to regrow microgreens as it does in the first row produce lower yield and secondly it can affect on taste quality. Plus, you are waiting too much time for a second yield that is better to sow new batches. With that being said it can impact the business negatively. But for all who are growing it at home, you can experiment. Especially I would do that with the herbs, but don’t cut them just above the soil, but definitely leave at least cotyledon but you can also leave the first pair of true leaves. Because herbs are really rewording plants if we look into the ones that we have in our outdoor garden. They are multiplying their leaves and growing without even taking too much care of them.

What about reusing the soil after harvesting microgreens?

After the harvesting step, the reuse of soil is the best approach because the soil contains nutrients, and because of this, you cannot use the soil as waste. Still, if you use the same soil for different kinds of seeds and microgreens, it will not be good for them because it contains different microbes, and these microbes can stop the growth of other seeds and microbes.

Do Microgreens Regrow After Cutting?

Reusing soil after harvesting.

So how do you reuse soil after harvest?

There are some ways to reuse the soil after harvesting. You can convert the soil into a compost. Or you can put the used soil in a compost bin or a worm bag because the worm will consume the stems and the remaining microgreens in the soil. The decomposition of the remains will enrich the soil and will make it incredibly fertile. You can utilize this soil for outdoor garden and I think you would be astonished at how great this soil is in the wake of seeing your outcomes. Also, by doing this, you’re advancing natural cultivating, which is a fantastic approach to supportability.


By and by, we don’t think that it values the exertion of attempting to regrow microgreens. It can feel like a loss to toss out the remnants of your plants simply after a couple of long stretches of developing, yet the odds of getting new microgreens are low, and as such, it won’t set aside your cash. Rather than discarding the medium and any extra seeds, you can put it in manure and use it for cultivating. Our suggestion is to always grow microgreens from new seeds to guarantee that you are getting the most worth, solid and nutritious microgreens each time. If you want to know how to grow sunflower microgreens, read this article 101 Sunflower Microgreens: Everything you need to know.

Want to learn more?

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